
热门关键词: 心肺复苏模拟人 | 医学护理模型 | 急救模型 | 心肺复苏模型 | 护理模型 | 高级儿童心肺复苏模拟人 | 婴儿护理模型 | 气管插管模型 | 护理急救模型 | 电脑心肺复苏模拟人
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名 称:褥疮护理模型(美国纳斯)
价 格:询价
品 牌:AG旗舰厅医学
简 介:褥疮护理模型(美国纳斯)some with the additional complications of undermining, tunneling, sinus track, fistula, slough, infection, and exposed bone. Also displayed are an unstageable eschar, a sutured wound, herpes, and candidiasis. Demonstrate and practice wound cleansing, classification, staging, and assessment, as well as the measurement of wound length, depth, undermining, and tunneling. All types of dressings including alginate biosesynthetic, collagen, gauze, hydrocolloids, hydrogels, skin substitutes, transparent films, and wound fillers can be applied. The positioning of the wounds permits multiple dressings to be demonstrated at the same time. Dimensions: 6-5/8" x 11" x 13-5/8".


some with the additional complications of undermining, tunneling, sinus track, fistula, slough, infection, and exposed bone. Also displayed are an unstageable eschar, a sutured wound, herpes, and candidiasis. Demonstrate and practice wound cleansing, classification, staging, and assessment, as well as the measurement of wound length, depth, undermining, and tunneling. All types of dressings including alginate biosesynthetic, collagen, gauze, hydrocolloids, hydrogels, skin substitutes, transparent films, and wound fillers can be applied. The positioning of the wounds permits multiple dressings to be demonstrated at the same time. Dimensions: 6-5/8" x 11" x 13-5/8".
公司简介 | 资质认证 | 产品中心 | 医学模型 | 新闻资讯 | AG旗舰厅 | 产品地图 | 医学教学模型
地址:上海市徐汇区肇嘉浜路159号友谊时代大厦16层A/D座 生产基地:上海市松江区明南路498号 邮编:200032
电话:021-64188291 021-64188321 021-64188033 021-64176268 ICP备案号:沪ICP备36828360号
Copyright 2007-2018 上海AG旗舰厅医学仪器发展有限公司, Inc. All Rights Reserved.